Log In Now

When you click log in now you will be redirected to another page. At the TOP RIGHT of the page click on Book/Manage Rooms and enter passcode for your team as shown in the photo to the right.

Parent Passcode Instructions

  1. Visit the THS website home page,

  2. Enter the Parent Password Listed for your team below in the Parent Reservation Passcode box at the top of the page

  3. You will then be logged into a page that allows you to enter your personal information to the rooming list. 

If you need further assistance, please call 888-536-8326 or 888-536-0366.

Thank you,

THS Company

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Parent Passcodes listed by team. Do not include 
team number only the P and numbers that follow
11N1 -P15506613376260

12N1 - P16506613376270

12R1 - P17506613376280

13N1 - P18506613376290

13N2 - P19506613377200

13R1 - P19526613379200

14N1 -P14516613377230

14N2 - P16526613378260

14R1 - P17526613378270

14R2 - P18526613378290

15N1 - P11516613377220

15N2 -P19586513374290

15N3 - P10536613379210

15R1- P10506613376210

16N1 -P14566224171270

16N2 - P13566224171250

17N1 - P11596124071280

17N2 - P17586124071250

18N1 - P16586124071240